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Currently working  as  a  Software  Development Engineer at AWS!


1) Our work  Surprisingly Popular Voting for Concentric Rank-Order Models has been accepted in ACM's The Web Conference 2025 (formerly WWW) main track!

2) Our work  The Surprising Effectiveness of SP Voting with Partial Preferences has been accepted in NeurIPS 2024 main track! 

I recently graduated with an MS in Informatics (Data Science concentration) from Pennsylvania State University. I was fortunate to be advised by Dr. Hadi Hosseini and mentored by Dr. Debmalya Mandal. I am driven by a passion for the math and applications around Artificial Intelligence. 

My work, in order of experience, spans:

|Algorithm Design | Machine Learning | AI in Multi-Agent Systems | Computational Social Choice | Bayesian Statistical Modeling | Generative AI in NLP |Reinforcement Learning | Deep Learning | Computer Vision |

Beyond academia, I find balance in football, swimming, photography, and music.


Career journey